March 21, 2018

My experience from the first time I walked through the door has been extremely positive and my teeth have not looked or been this good for many years. My recent treatment (a crown) was carried out with the utmost care and skill and looks great.

Kevin Supple


Sedation Dentistry, for a variety of dental procedures, such as fillings, crowns, bridges most are carried out using a local anaesthetic. A needle with anaesthetic is injected into or close to the area which is being treated. However, some patients find this extremely unnerving it elevates their stress and makes them very anxious if you are nervous about visiting the dentist then sedation in Norwich may be the best option for you.

Riverside dental provide sedation clinics/sedation dentistry; this means that certain doctors within the clinic are trained to conduct sedation techniques.

But what is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry uses medication to relax the patient during a procedure; you may have heard it referred to as sleep dentistry – this is not entirely accurate as patients are normally awake, although they may appear completely unaware of the activity. You cannot feel the process, and your limbs become heavy and you feel quite tired. The sedation drugs are delivered using either an injection or face mask in most cases. It is a simple process, but you must be aware of any potential complications as a result of the administration of sedation medicine, all appropriate checks will be provided, and the dentist will go through this with you during the consultation phase and perhaps readdress this before the procedure.

There are levels of sedation:

  • Minimal sedation, here you are awake but relaxed.
  • Moderate sedation (known as conscious sedation)  You may slow your words and not be fully aware of the procedure.
  • Deep sedation, the dentist will administer enough medicine to take you to the edge of consciousness, but can still be awakened.
  • General anaesthetic, this renders a patient completely unconscious for the duration of the procedure.

What types of sedation are used in sedation dentistry?

Inhaled minimal sedation, as the name suggests you breathe in the sedation medicine which is nitrous oxide, otherwise known as laughing gas. This is combined with oxygen through a mask and is placed over your nose, the gas helps you relax and the amount of sedation you receive can be regulated through the mask. This method allows the gas to help you relax and tends to wear off quickly-it is the only for sedation where you may be able to drive yourself home after the procedure and is perhaps the most popular.

Oral sedation –  ranging from minimal to moderate, or sedation is for my drug called benzodiazepine.  The tablet can make you drowsy which is why you will not be allowed to drive after oral sedation.  A larger dose will provide ‘moderate sedation’ –   you can become quite groggy during this procedure and it is common for oral sedation patients to even fall asleep during the procedure. Patients can be woken again with a gentle shake.

IV  or intravenous sedation –  normally moderate sedation,  the sedative drug is delivered through a vein and is acting much more quickly.  this method of sedation allows the dentist to carefully manage and administer or adjust the level of sedation during the procedure.

No matter which type of sedation the dentist administers you will also need a local anaesthetic, this is the numbing medication to relieve pain as most procedures will cause some discomfort. Your dentist at Riverside dental will have conducted hundreds if not thousands of procedures of this type and is highly experienced in this field of dentistry. It is important that you understand both the benefits and drawbacks of any procedure, so if you have questions and concerns then we recommend speaking to Bim and the dedicated team here at Riverside dental.

If you are considering sedation for a procedure we recommend speaking to the team at Riverside dental simply by using the contact form to register interest or calling reception on 01603 920313.